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Showing posts from 2008

Haiti: School collapses - the search for bodies continues

More than 24 hours after the collapse of La Promesse College in Port-au-Prince, several actors continue removing debris in search of possible survivors but the biggest challenge consists of removing the debris without aggravating the situation. As of today, 11 November, more than 80 students and adults have already been reported dead and another 150 injured. "Last night we were sure there were still seven children alive. We got one of them but we have lost all signs of the other six being alive," President Preval said after one of his visits to the scene of the said disaster. "Some say they might be sleeping. Others believe they have died." Lire cet article en français

Haiti: A new fresh delivery of aid to the victims of Gonaïves

The humanitarian organisations have put together their support for the victims of typhoons Hanna et Ike in Gonaïves. On 9 September, a private cargo ship, renamed "Tree Rivers of Grand'Anse", arrived at the ports of the Cité de l'indépendance loaded with 400 tons of various supplies and equipment. Once at the quay, containers were immediately unloaded. Those of the World Food Programme (WFP) contained ten (10) tons of enriched flour, two (2) tons of black beans, two (2) tons of oil and ten (10) tons of rice. It also transported trucks of fuel and construction equipment for MINUSTAH (United Nations Stabilisation Mission in Haiti). The ship also delivered 200,000 litres of potable water and 27,000 hygiene kits sent by UNICEF. The vehicles of Médecins sans frontières (MSF) containing medicines and other emergency medical materials as well as a vehicle for the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) were also found on board. " It is important that by the end o...

Gonaïves (Haiti) : women and children amongst the most vulnerable

Among the victims of the recent typhoons which have swept over the region of Artibonite, between 02 to 07 September, the women and the children represent not only a group not only important but whic falls amongst the most fragile, together with the elderly people. To protect them from the diverse types of dangers in which they are exposed, a number of actions have been undertaken specifically in their favour. In the office of the NGO CARE, located in the Gattereau district of Gonaïves, many of those seriously affected by the recent typhoons wait for the water to subside so that they may take back their homes. This temporary shelter is the largest in this area devastated by typhoons Hanna and Ike. It is occupied by almost 4000 displaced persons but what worries most of those who visit is the number of children who obviously have been left on their own. Lire cet article en français.

Cyclones : when will the tally of deaths end?

In following an erratic trajectory, tropical storm Hanna has surprised more than one. Contrary to meteorological forecasts, the storm has heavily hit Haiti, leaving in its wake more than 60 dead and flooding several regions of the country. But beyond the serious results registered, Hanna has brought to the fore the deficiency of the civil protection system. This Wednesday, 3 September, the storm commenced along the North coast of Haiti. However, the rains and the storm were also expected in the other regions of the country. The government, thus, maintains red alert and continues to warn the population of the threats of violents storms, flooding and landslides. Lire cet article en français.

A New Typhoon Hits Haiti

Tuesday, 2 September, several regions of the country woke up under water. And Haiti counts again its deaths. At least 17 people have already died following the floods caused by torrential rains accompanying the tropical storm Hanna. Gonaïves town has been to date the most affected. The tropical storm has caused the death of 10 people in this region situated 152 km from Port-au-Prince. Lire cet article en français:

Typhoon Gustav : human and material losses

Still provisional, the tally of damage caused by the passing of typhoon Gustav is still becoming heavier. The latest information provided in the afternoon of Wednesday, 27 August by the Office for Civil Protection recounts 15 deaths - 7 in the South East, 5 in the West and 3 in Nippes. Several others injured and four people missing have also been reported. Also, 6,299 people have already been moved into temporary shelters, 4,500 of which are in Cité Soleil. Lire cet article en français:

MINUSTAH assists the fishermen of Gonaïves

Raboteau, a small fishing village in Gonaives (Haiti) used to be the Cité Soleil of this region. Past typhoons have ravaged the lives and livelihood of people in this area. Starting with a quick impact project to provide a small fishing motor boat to the population, the project has developed into a much larger one in view of community violence reduction. Don't give them the fish but help them to fish. Click to read on.

A delegation of the 5th Committee of the United Nations General Assembly visits Haiti

A delegation of eleven members of the 5th Committee of the United Nations General Assembly visited Haiti from 7 to 14 July. This delegation aimed to measure the concrete implications of the financial decisions taken by them during the voting for the budget of the United Nations Stabilisation Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) as well as to better understand the needs of each component (military, police, civilian) of the Mission in complying with the mandate given by the Security Council. Click to read the full article and view the photos .

Vaccinating the Metrozone

Launched in November 2007, the vaccination campaign a already included more than 3.7 million Haitians below 20 years of age. They have been vaccinated against rubella and measles whilst more than 250,000 women have been vaccinated against tetanus. The campaign is now progressing in the metropolitan area of Port-au-Prince and will end in the South (Les Cayes) region some time in October 2008 after the reopening of classes. Click here to read the full article in French and to view more interesting photos. Lancée en novembre 2007, la campagne de vaccination a déjà touché plus de 3.7 millions d’enfants et jeunes Haïtiens de moins de 20 ans. Ils ont reçu le vaccin contre la rubéole et la rougeole tandis que plus de 250.000 femmes ont été vaccinées contre le tétanos. La campagne progresse maintenant au niveau de la région métropolitaine de Port-au-Prince et devra prendre fin dans le Sud du pays, d’ici au mois d’octobre 2008, après la réouverture des classes. Cliquez pour lire l'ensemble ...

Haiti: Lac Azuéi - un projet piscicole porteur d’avenir

Deux sites différents, une ferme à la Croix-des-Bouquets et au Lac Azuéi, (15 km de Port-au-Prince), abritent un projet pilote de production de poissons. Ce projet piscicole est financé par la Coopération française à hauteur de 250.000 euros. Ce montant a permis la mise en place de la logistique nécessaire et le lancement de la production au profit d'un village de pêcheurs démunis, vivant dans des conditions écœurantes. Cliquez pour voir le photo gallerie et lire l'ensemble de cet article.

Les maires de l ’Artibonite formés à la gestion fiscale [QIP DA07_001]

Organisée par la Section des Affaires Civiles du bureau de la MINUSTAH de l'Artibonite, une formation sur la problématique fiscale a débuté le 5 Mai à l'Hôtel Xaragua, près de la ville de Saint Marc. L'objectif principal de la formation est de renforcer les connaissances des maires en matière d'élaboration de Plan de Développement Communal (PDC) et leurs capacités en techniques de taxations. Cette formation qui s'inscrit dans le cadre du programme d'appui institutionnel de la MINUSTAH est financée à travers un Projet à Impact Rapide (Quick Impact Project - QIP) destiné à permettre la réalisation d'une série des formations au profit des autorités locales. Cliquez pour lire l'ensemble de cet article.

Renforcement des capacités des personnels municipaux [QIP DN07_005]

Une session de formation, a été initiée, du 23 au 25 avril, à l'intention des maires, des caissiers payeurs et des directeurs généraux de mairie du département du Nord. Son objectif principal était de dynamiser les principaux responsables locaux en renforçant leurs capacités de gestion. La formation a été financée à hauteur de 255 400 gourdes par la MINUSTAH dans le cadre de ses Projets à effet rapide (Qips). Elle a également été cofinancée par le Ministère haïtien de l'Intérieur et des Collectivités territoriales (MICT). Cliquez pour lire l'ensemble de cet article.

Haiti: Eerie Calm Following Vote to Oust PM

President Preval’s address to the population last Friday in the wake of the recent violent demonstrations in Haiti has been labelled by a number of critics as being really weak and lacking concrete solutions for the real and hard realities of hunger and outrageously unaffordable cost of living faced by the majority of the population. Whilst most expected him to have announced the resignation of the Prime Minister, Preval simply reprimanded those who were involved in pillaging commercial interests including twenty-two petrol stations, the main office of Voila (one of the three major telecoms service provider) and a number of banks. His declarations on subsidising national agricultural production, establishing community restaurants, providing credit to small enterprises, implementing more labour-intensive projects, subsidising education and easing of taxes on some grain imports have, however, given some hope to the common mass. These have, however, not been sufficient to appease the enra...

Widespread Hunger Spurs Riots in Haiti

Violence has again recently struck Haiti, the poorest country in the western hemisphere. It started last Friday in Les Cayes, one of the country's more touristic spots and since yesterday in Port-au-Prince. Today, the streets of Les Cayes and Port-au-Prince have been littered with burned tyres and other barricades. Vehicles parked on the road side have been smashed. Petrol stations along the main streets have been ransacked and vandalised. The people have been clamouring against "la vie chère"or the very high cost of living. Eighty percent of the 8.7 million Haitians live in poverty and 54 percent live in abject poverty, according to the CIA's World Factbook. Certain analysts have suggested that the demonstrations resulted mainly from the lack of response from the government concerning this widespread problem. This stance has been taken by the country's business community. The Haiti Chamber of Commerce has reiterated today that it was unfortunate that the governme...


From fiscal year 2004 to 2008 (March), MINUSTAH financed more than 500 quick impact projects (QIPs) nationwide for a total amount of more than US$ 5 million. In spite of the delays in the nation’s political process, MINUSTAH QIPs heavily targeted confidence – building towards the peace process through its infrastructural rehabilitation projects, assistance to delivery of basic public services, social mobilisation and institutional support. To jumpstart the taking of office of the newly-elected local officials, QIPs spent USD 200,000 for the start – up kits (basic office supplies and equipment) for the 140 mayors, 10 delegations and 42 vice – delegations. The ninety-two infrastructure projects in fiscal year 2006-07 consisted of the rehabilitation of existing or the construction of new but basic municipal/delegation offices, police commissariats and court tribunals. In the aftermath of military operations in Cité Soleil, the Mission responded to the immediate need to consolidate its gai...

Abattoirs et bateaux de pêche pour des communes du Sud

Thanks to financing from the MINUSTAH, the townships of Moron and Chamberlain, in the department of the Grande Anse (south of the country), are given each a new slaughterhouse. In the same way, with the construction of a cold room and the concession of four boats by the NGO Food for the Poor to the township of Abricots, as well as the construction of a "fishing village" in the township of Bonbon, the fishing activity in these areas have taken a new flight. Grâce au financement octroyé par la MINUSTAH, les communes de Moron et de Chambellan, dans le département de la Grand'Anse (Sud du pays), sont dotées chacune d'un nouvel abattoir. De même, avec la construction d'une chambre froide et l'octroi de quatre bateaux par l'ONG « Food for the Poor» à la commune d'Abricots, ainsi que la construction d'un « village de pêcheurs » dans la commune de Bonbon, l'activité de pêche, dans la zone, connaît un nouvel essor.